
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Intro –Busog (pronuced Boo-Soog)

Busog is a clothing company established in New York by a number of designers and artists. The word "Busog" comes from the Filipino word being "full" (of food). Really like their concept and goal of using a Filipino term and implementing that into their clothing wear. "Our goal is that you are full and satisfied". Click Here for more about Busog

For a new independent clothing brand they got a lot of nice stuff & sponsors:

This one is called "Panda Sal" named after the Filipino bread "Pandesal"

They got some of the best Pacquiao Tee Designs.

Also design shirts for artists like Lil Jon & Drake

Supported and worn by Beat Freaks, Quest, Fanny Pak, and recently Rhythm City

Source: BUSOG means "full"

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