
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

–the Creation of KiD CuDi's Complex Cover

Ah-nice process, from rough sketches, to the final product. Crazy how these pieces look before. Make sure to check out this issue of Complex (on sale now). Sidebar: Previous Post

“Even though it was a cool concept the first cover attempt didn’t mesh well with the summer heat the issue was due to drop in so it was back to the drawing board. Here are the ink drawings used to compose the final cover”

“The background cover kind of felt a little mack and cheese and the snake man was clouding Cudi’s flow so the final cover that will go to print has a very aqua splash feeling… “

Sick visuals and creativity. CuDi & Augor got crazy imaginations.

Check out more of the sketches for Kid CuDi's piece Here

Source: kanYe West : blog,

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