
Top 3! Finally down to the end of the competition for the most unexpected and lacking season. Still with this episode there were a number of good things. First the challenge was very interesting and both Massive Monkees and Afroborike had some good parts but wasn't consistent with the other sections (try-hard rather than natural and not playing to their own style). With the last chance challenge Afroborike's piece was just a performance, and that's about it. Nothing to point out or recap or find memorable.
We Are Heroes! Yes, they really stepped it up this week and reminded everyone of their unique style, dedication, and passion. They had some really exciting and memorable moments esp. their crazy tutting. Their last chance performance was epic and belong to the ranks of JabbWockeeZ (the Red Pill) and Quest (orQUESTra). From the beginning I was thinking We Are Heroes can make it to the Top 2 cause they are very unique and creative with their movement and they proved it again with these two performances.
Sidebar: So hopefully all goes well with the voting since I feel the viewers were split between MM and Heroes allowing Afro to slide to the top 2.
Behind-the-scenes with the top 2 saved crews
Freestyle Session
Sorry NO recap videos, since all my sources on YouTube have been deleted. But anyways click here
Source: MTV Remote Control Blog, Mr. World Premiere
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